Saturday, March 31, 2012

Jelly Belly- Day 5

Day five we drove all the way to Jelly belly factory!
We were all very excited! Too bad I didn't get a chance
to try any of the jelly belly but I heard my Auntie Joyce
and Mommy had plenty of free tastings! It was
an awesome tour!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Santa Cruz

Day 3- the Nobles went to spend time with Uncle Chuck's family, so we didn't see them much that day.

Day 4- Uncle Chuck wanted to take his boys and his wife to Mystery spot. I was pretty hungry the whole time there so Daddy fed me a bottle =) Hope my cousins had fun! What's all the mystery about?

Afterwards we went to Santa Cruz beach boardwalk. I fell asleep on the way there

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 2- Justin's 8th birthday celebration

We celebrated Justin's 8th birthday at The Jungle!
Too bad I'm not big yet to run around with my cousins.

My cousin loved his presents! We gave him his favorite Star Wars lego,
Justin finishes making these Legos within an hour! I hope he will
teach me how to make those when I get older!

Later at night my cousin Justin gave me the best bed time stories! He taught me a lot! He told me that boats float on water, cars drive on the road, planes fly in the air. He also sang a lot of songs for me! ABCs and even some Chinese songs that he learned! I loved it so much! Thank you cousin Justin! I wish you can tell me bed time stories every night!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Noble's Visit

We have been extremely excited for the Nobles and Auntie Emily to come visit Micah for the first time!

I am so happy to meet my cousins! I am lucky to get all their hand me downs! We have so many activities planned out for the whole week they are here.

Sunday: Lunch at Halmoni's house and California Academy of Science

Then afterwards, we celebrated my one month birthday! Auntie Emily bought me a cake,
too bad I am not old enough to eat it yet!

And that's just Day 1 ! Look out for more posts for this week!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I love visitors!

Micah gets more visits from the Lee side.
Eemo Halmuni took us out to eat at Sushi O Sushi.
I was sleeping most of the time we were there.

Afterwards we visited some of Halmoni's friends at Golden Key, daddy bought mommy's wedding ring here! I was up the whole time and was very happy getting all the attention from all the women!

I can't believe how fast I'm growing! I already outgrew two of my clothes! I turn 1 month old this Sunday! I can't wait to see my Aunt Joyce, Aunt Emily, Uncle Chuck, and my 3 cousins next week!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Micah's Visitors

Micah visited his Yi-Po Ying. Barley was not ready for Yi-Po to have babies, he started barking so loud because of his jealousy.

Micah is so lucky that he has so many Aunties and Uncles that loves him! He met up with his cousin Esme, his Auntie Liza and Uncle Byron. Esme was not ready for a little brother. She grabbed on mommy's leg when mommy was holding cousin Micah.

Another Micah's Auntie, Auntie Olivia, and his other Yi-Po Jenny took him out to the park at Shoreline. Micah was hungry most of the time he was there. As long as he has Mommy he shall not go hungry! =)

Thank you everyone who held me and adored me even though all I do is sleep.

Here is a picture of me awake and doing my tummy time. I am quite strong and could lift up my head as early as 2 weeks old!

Friday, March 2, 2012

First two weeks of life

Being parents has been amazing, Jason and I really enjoy every moment with Micah.

Micah makes so many adorable faces, his most popular face is the Zoolander face!

We have been very lucky with family and friends bringing us very yummy food! We are so blessed for all your support, prayers, and love.

Micah has been waking up and feeding every two hours, Jason has been taking the day shift and I take the night shift. Micah only cries when he is hungry and during diaper changes. We have been busy getting his birth certificate and passport. Making him official! =)

Micah had his first bath and loved the warm water. He peed in his bath so we had to change the water. Even with the faucet running, he continued to be such a trooper. He did not cry at all!
We are amazingly proud parents! We have been blessed with a very healthy, strong, sweet boy.